The terminal at the Clinton F. Woolsey Memorial Airport was built by Byron Woolsey in 1874 as a creamery for his Golden Rod Dairy Farm. After close to 150 years, this amazing landmark is in desperate need of rehabilitation and preservation so that it may stand to welcome visitors for many more years.  Click here to view a presentation on the proposed renovation.
A SWAT! (Save Woolsey Airport Terminal) group has been formed to raise funds to accomplish the needed work.
SWAT! has joined with the Leelanau Township Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) who will receive, manage and disburse the funds raised.
This project is supported by Leelanau Township as the owner of the park/airport.
Donations may be made by check and mailed to LTCF at:  PO Box 818  Northport MI 49670
Checks should be made out to Leelanau Township Community Foundation or LTCF with a note on the check memo line naming the SWAT! fund. Donations can also be made on-line.  The SWAT Facebook page is:  Pictures and historical information can be found there.
Thank you for supporting this worthy cause!

Woolsey Airport is located at 13591 E. Woolsey Lake Rd. It provides an unmanned airport terminal, 2 runways, and 4 hangars. The East-West runway is 3,663 feet long and is equipped with pilot-activated landing lights and a pilot-activated lighted windsock. The North-South runway is 2,670 feet long. There are picnic tables, restroom facilities, and an emergency telephone.

Click here to view the engineering report of the Woolsey terminal.